Entrevista con PMOfficers: Un vistazo a mi trayectoria y pasiones

Hello everyone,

I am excited to share with you my recent experience in an interview with PMOfficers, led by the inspiring Leonardo Reyes. As a follower of Leonardo for years through LinkedIn, where he has stood out as a reference in project management issues, it was a true honor to be selected for this interview.

During the conversation, I had the opportunity to delve not only into my work and professional experience, but also into more personal aspects that I consider fundamental in my life. For me, balance is key, and that includes not only leading projects in my work, but also dedicating time to the NGO I co-founded with my husband, as well as my passion for mountaineering and climbing.

In the video that accompanies this post, you can learn more about my career, my most exciting projects and how I balance my professional life with my personal interests. Additionally, I will share some thoughts on the importance of balance in our lives and how finding it can enrich both our career and our personal happiness.

I cannot express my gratitude enough to Leonardo Reyes and the PMOfficers team for this unique opportunity. I hope you enjoy the video.

Here is the link to the video of the interview!

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