¿Los PM’s, PMO’s o consultores deben ser creativos?

Without much ado, yes. First, let's look at statistics that confirm it:

  • In a PMI report elaborated in 2022, they mention within the top five skills and competences of the Project Manager the solution creative from problems.
  • A survey of projects and portfolios by PwC and PMI in 2021, indicates that planning for citizens and employees led by the innovation and the business must be supported by the Project Managers.
  • McKinsey in a study, indicates that “delivering a large project not only requires a combination of technical skills and experience, but also strong measures of motivation, innovation and leadership.”

I recently read an Austin Kleon book,Steal like an Artist, which I loved and I want to make a parallel between the 10 things that nobody told you about being creative that the author exposes with situations such as IT Project Manager and PMO Consultant.

🔥 Steal like an artist: draw from many different artists, take inspiration from many different places and mix it all together to form your own work.

Among the most common functions of PMO Consultants is developing project management methodologies. Get inspired by best practices from important institutions to adapt it to the company and create your own methodology.

⌛️ Don't wait to know who you are to get things going: Many people believe that they have to know themselves before they can create something, and it's the other way around.

Don't expect to be a Senior Consultant with 20 years of experience to make creative and powerful deliverables. From your beginnings pretend to be one and find out.

📃 Write the book you want to read- Build the products you want to use, do the work you want to see done.

As Project Manager many times we have to report the status of the project. Do not make a complicated and boring report that only you understand, make a status that you would like another PM to do for your project.

🙌 use your hands: When you work on your creative work, sometimes your hands know better than your brain where to go, so it is very important to include your body in the creative work.

Implementing a PMO for a manufacturing client, I had to explain to the team my idea of how to prioritize projects for the reality of said client. Explaining it through Teams was not enough, I took my iPad and drew by hand how all the ideas were put together, the team understood the ideas, they contributed their own and the change proposal was incredible.

🏔Extra projects and hobbies are important: As you work on those projects, come up with ideas for the main piece you should be working on.

I was trying to think at my desk how to resolve a conflict in a complex project, but I couldn't come up with a convincing idea. One weekend in the mountains, in a complicated situation resolved as a team, I thought: if here (in the mountains) we resolved it this way, a simile could work in my project (...and it did).

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🫵 The secret: Do a good job and share it: When you're ready, share it with people.

A client wanted us to adopt their culture to the PMO, I made several deliverables that I liked, but only when I exposed them to my colleagues, thanks to all the ideas the result was of another level. Group creativity is extraordinary.

🌐 Geography no longer commands: Now, it doesn't matter where you live anymore. It's easy to get in touch with people you want to meet or who share your interests.

I had to support Management on why to implement a PMO, I had some ideas but there were many more when I contacted a reference on the subject in Spain, I bought his book on Amazon and I wrote to him on LinkedIn. Getting out of your comfort zone makes you more creative.

😇 be nice: We tend to think that creatives are weird, that it is difficult to get along with them, that they are introverted sociopaths.

A few years ago project management with agile frameworks started strongly and many enthusiasts defended it by invalidating waterfall management, they idolized it to the point that they could detract from the work of other PM's. The same project can be managed in many ways, if you inherit a project or have colleagues who manage theirs differently, do not judge it, be kind and empathetic.

👩‍💻 Be boring (It's the only way to work): Most of the creative work takes place in your studio. It consists of sitting in the same place day after day and making things happen.

You have just been assigned to create the governance model for a portfolio. Do not try to group a hundred ideas, order them and finish the model of government in your head during a moment of inspiration while walking through a park. Plan and make a daily task calendar. Take notes when creative ideas arise in other spaces.

Creativity is subtraction: In order to focus on what you really want to do, you have to let go of certain aspects of your life.

I remember once preparing a proposal and working with a colleague who liked to say yes to everything. We were in moments where we had to co-create and I could never contribute because I was always interrupting a call, an email or a meeting. The interruption does not allow us to focus and saturate ourselves with tasks only inhibits creativity.

Which of the 10 things that nobody told you about being creative did you like the most? Tell it in the comments.

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