I am Natalia, Specialist in PMO's and
IT and innovation and digital transformation portfolio

I love adapting recommended practices to make
those projects that we long for come true. In 2014,
I discovered the world of project management and I have not
stopped since then because I consider that there are
many challenges along the way and I enjoy learning from them.

Why did I start a website?

Since I was a child I like to write about the topics that excite me. Therefore, in this space I seek to share content with many infographics based on books and various sources of knowledge. In addition, publications recounting experiences related to my hobbies.

Innovación en la Educación: Mi Experiencia en CERTUS

Innovación en la Educación: Mi Experiencia en CERTUS

Mi experiencia en Mujeres Sin Límites: Potenciando mi organización social con el Tec de Monterrey

Mi experiencia en Mujeres Sin Límites: Potenciando mi organización social con el Tec de Monterrey

About me

I hold a Bachelor of
Administration degree

+7 Years in management
of projects

+10 international scholarships
and grants

+3 Acknowledgments

+4 Certifications

+7 Years in management
of projects

+7 international scholarships
and grants

+3 Acknowledgments

+4 Certifications

Learn more about "Preservando"


I am passionate about participating in initiatives

that I consider have an impact on society, which personally give me great satisfaction. For this reason, I have been part of initiatives for companies of different sizes, in the areas of innovation and IT, as well as sports and volunteering.



  • I have worked in an area of Business Innovation managing basic and applied research projects financed with national and international funds. These initiatives sought to improve the quality of life of society through the application of science.
  • On the other hand, I have participated in the formulation and execution of innovation projects in the Tourism and Sports sectors. Both were winners of Innovation contests from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism, and "Innóvate"



  • I have worked in two consultancies that develop custom software. In my role, from the Project Management Office, I validated compliance with good practices in portfolio management. To do this, I mainly used methodologies such as Value Ring.
  • In addition, I have worked as IT Project Manager in two leading companies in the Oil & Gas industry, validating their development efficiently and complying with good practices of PMBOK, Scrum, among others.
  • I worked in a Big4, participating in multicultural digital projects.
  • Currently, I work at Nestlé driving digital transformation.



  • Mountaineering is a sport that has captivated me since my first outing in 2016 with the guidance of Zenda, a Mountaineering School.
  • As part of the Zenda High Mountain Team, each mountain outing is a project. They require planning, since only then can we ensure responsible mountaineering.
  • Likewise, in order to ascend to more demanding peaks, it is essential to climb with technique. For this reason, I prepare myself in this challenging sport with the Vertical school.



  • During my university studies, I identified my interest in project management by volunteering for about four years in a student section, which worked in coordination with the PMI Lima Peru Chapter.
  • Without a doubt, our environmental impact is an issue where we have to take action. For this reason, I have supported the reforestation of Lomas de Paraíso [Paradise Hills]
  • From 2019 to 2021, I voluntarily supported the management of projects within the Mountain and Climbing Schools where I practice my favorite sports.
  • Since 2022 I am Co - Founder in a socio-environmental Innovation project called "Preserving".


to learn

You have access to project management offices content, project management frameworks, planning and control tools, scrum and why not? also about mountaineering.

Innovación en la Educación: Mi Experiencia en CERTUS

Recientemente, el equipo de CERTUS me invitó para participar en el comité consultivo de la carrera de Administración. Junto con profesionales y académicos, compartimos nuestras opiniones sobre la malla curricular. El objetivo era claro: potenciarla y alinearla con las demandas actuales de la industria, incorporando también los valiosos insights de los docentes que interactúan diariamente […]

Mi experiencia en Mujeres Sin Límites: Potenciando mi organización social con el Tec de Monterrey

En junio inicié a participar en el programa Mujeres Sin Límites organizado por la Fundación Belcorp en colaboración con el Tec de Monterrey. Este programa está diseñado para potenciar las habilidades de mujeres con negocios propios, y me permitió obtener conocimientos valiosos para mi ONG, Preservando, que se enfoca en la conservación socioambiental en entornos de […]

Ser voluntaria en Australia: El testimonio de Enia

Conocí a Enia, natural de Colombia, porque ambas éramos estudiantes internacionales en Melbourne y me gustó mucho cuando nos comentó de su labor en un voluntariado. Por ello, este post es de su testimonio acompañando a abuelitos en un voluntariado. Pregunta: Enia, ¿qué te motivó a buscar una experiencia de voluntariado en Australia? Respuesta: Cuando llegué a […]

Aventuras en solitario cerca a Australia: Consejos y reflexiones para viajeros en Tailandia y Singapur

Viajar sola fue una experiencia enriquecedora y liberadora, aunque no exenta de desafíos. Desde Australia, aproveché la cercanía de destinos fascinantes como Tailandia y Singapur para explorar lo mejor de estos países, sin dejar de lado la seguridad y el bienestar personal. A continuación, comparto mis experiencias, consejos y recomendaciones para disfrutar de estos increíbles […]

Maximiza tu experiencia en Australia: Experiencias reales de un estudiante internacional combinando estudio, trabajo y actividades

Estudiar en el extranjero es una experiencia enriquecedora, pero también desafiante, especialmente cuando se trata de equilibrar estudios, trabajo y actividades personales. En Melbourne, una ciudad multicultural, los estudiantes internacionales tenemos la oportunidad de explorar una variedad de experiencias que van más allá del aula. En este post, compartiré mis vivencias y consejos prácticos para […]


Here are the recommendations

Throughout my experience. I have worked on projects in various countries and industries such as manufacturing, oil & gas, education, among others. I am sharing some comments about my performance:


Do you have a project
in mind?

I will be delighted to read your ideas, send me an email or complete the form. On the other hand, if you prefer to talk directly, I leave you my phone number and Skype. I usually reply within three business days.